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December 12, 1970 - T.REX

Appear on the cover of U.K. music paper MUSIC NOW

Vol.1. No.39.

Week Ending December 12th, 1970.


Marc: 'TOTP was so surreal was like a Fellini film'

"The last "Top of the Pops' we did was so surreal."

"There were people like Gerry Munroe on-we were out of it.

It was like a Fellini film."

Marc Bolan discussing his departure into world best-selling singles.

Although Underground snobs could be amazed by the success of

"Ride A White Swan", it is now clear that T.Rex are no longer playing to the select few.

They now have a big audience.

A new album, released "T. Rex" this Friday (Dec.11.) and on live gigs Marc and Micky will be joined by bassist Steve Currie. It is a busy time for the band.

There was much to talk about when met Marc last week.

Marc: "We now use stereo equipment at the gigs.

We forget that average kid in the street has never heard good stereo

When you see their faces, when they hear our stereo sound its really a turn on.

It helps the atmosphere on gigs and can be used to good effect on guitar things.

Get the sound zooming around We'll be using it all the time. I think we are the only

band about with stereo equipment on the road.

We've continuously improved our equipment as we have earned moremoney

"We first tried using a bass player in Oxford. Tony Visconti,who produces our

records, played with us and it was great. I just had to get permanent bass

right away. That's how Steve came to join.

"I was apprehensive about the success of the single, because I thought that people might think we had sold out and we would be playing to empty halls. But we now play to a new generation of people who are listening for the first time.

It's nice to see the immediate the acceptance

There are others in the audience, the CONTINUED ON P.6

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